20. Bhutan — ‘Love An Era’ by Baby Floyd
When I first saw the album cover, I thought it would be the sort of traditional sound you’d imagine from a place like Bhutan — in my mind, it feels a fairly secluded and isolated place. Well, I was wrong. The three components are actually holding electric guitars, and I guess there is an intentional tongue-in-cheek humour of making this beautiful landscape and building their album cover.
Their Spotify bio describes them as a glam rock band from the southern foothills of Bhutan. I’m not sure about the glam bit, but it’s definitely quite close to rock. It is quite a beautiful album. The production is neat, very polished, and the songwriting, though conventional, is good. The highlight for me is the singer’s voice. It is the only thing that distinguishes from other western bands; there is something unique about his long notes, sung seemingly effortlessly. Honestly, what a voice.